Sensação sobre um trabalho do FILE- Festival Internacional de Linguagem Eletrônica
Daniel Palacios JimenezDaniel Palacios Jimenez da Espanha
Sobre o trabalho:
Sobre o trabalho:
"Our presence alters the environment where we are, and makes it ready to react; our presence alters the way others feel the environment and how they link to it. Our presence is by itself a way of intervention with no need of any interface manipulation. The fact of taking a space up and the way we behave in it, gives us a lot of information about us and our relationships: relative position, speed (velocity), behaviour patterns... many factors to consider before the interaction itself. These kind of action-reaction influences we can apply to sound in space are the basis of Waves. A space, because of its own qualities, has a way to link with sound (understanding sound as a group of compression and decompression displacing in the air). In a similar manner, the very space geometry and the elements within it will infl uence the sound motion and, fi nally, will infl uence how sound is perceived by us. The whole relationship system will be altered with our smallest movement. The installation uses a long piece of rope to make a 3-D representation of a group of waves fl oating in space. These waves generate sounds because of the physics of the movement, so sound and images are linked, making one shape: the rope which creates the volume, creates simultaneously the sound when the rope cuts the air. This will shape only one element that will be altered as we behave in front of it, as our body moves around it. The wave will go from a still line when we are quiet to chaotic shapes of irregular sounds when there are lots of movements around the installation. But even when it looks like a mere representation of what we can't see by ourselves, these waves are linked with our visceral side, combining the beauty of the graphic with the brutality of the sound. Beyond the persistence of the vision, it will be created a hypnotic environment with unique sound results and amazing visual stimulations."